Professional CV Service

Writting a WINNING CV is not as simple as some people think!

We can help you create a CV that
will truly stand out!

There are many ways to fool yourself into thinking you’re actively job searching. If you’re spending a lot of energy job searching but not getting any results, you are probably making some extremely common, and very costly, mistakes.  Are you ready to shift gears and get back on the road to job success with your very own HLS Resume Coach?

The Critical Importance of Story in Your Resume
If your resume is like most of the resumes we see, it’s merely a chronological outline of what you’ve done, interrupted by bullets. This is one recipe never to hear back from an employer. We also see resumes with Objectives in them — rather than well-crafted personal brands. Ouch.  The fact is, your resume will be viewed for a few seconds by someone in HR or a hiring manager. That’s right — on average, about eight seconds!

If you don’t tell the reviewer how to read and interpret your resume by telling the story you want them to hear, then one of two things will happen, and both are disastrous:  either the reviewer will, in her 8 seconds, provide no story (in which case you’re out), or the reviewer will substitute her own, less accurate and certainly less favorable story (in which case you’re out).  Don’t let this happen to you — YOU must control the story, the spin, the interpretation of your past, your true strengths, and your future abilities.

Your LinkedIn profile, cover letters, interview strategies, and elevator pitch should all reflect your well-crafted personal brand.  HLS resume coaches are uniquely experienced to help you tell your story in its most positive light. Not sure?  Get a free consultation to see how it feels to talk to one of our coaches.

Are You On Track with Your Resume or Do You Need Help?
Are you…

Applying and sending off 10-50 resumes a week with no response?

Targeting positions that don’t realistically match your skill-sets, experience — or interests?

Using the functional resume to just list a potpourri of skills? (Or not using a functional resume when you should?)

Being called for phone interviews but never hearing back?

Getting interviews but never making it to the job offer?

If you answered yes to one or all 5 of these questions, try out a free coaching consultation to start getting results.

Top 3 Myths About Job Searching

It’s all about being clever and standing out in the crowd.

Recruiters and Hiring Managers will translate my skills to fit their job. (Note:  in most cases they won’t even see your resume unless the right keywords have been planted in it — we’ll teach you how!)

It’s best to be natural and not prepare for the interview 

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